NRP Activity: Cooperation Visit to BPTM LIPI Lampung and Review Progress Reports



The National Research Priority Team lead by Prof. Dr. Evvy Kartini accompanied by the Infinity Energy team has paid a visit to Research Unit for Mineral Technology, Indonesia Institute of Sciences (BPTM LIPI) located in South Lampung on April 21, 2021. BPTM LIPI is a government agency in the field of research whose activity focuses on processing Indonesian local minerals. One of the research activities is the processing of manganese ore, namely pyrolusite into manganese sulfate which will be used as a battery material.

The visit began with the signing of the MoU between NBRI and BPTM and was continued with a presentation from the founder of NBRI, Prof. Dr. Evvy Kartini about the progress of PRN activities and also a discussion about the current constraints. Furthermore, the NBRI team made visits to research facilities which included several analytical instruments such as XRD, XRF, ICP, AAS, etc., and also to the Hydro-electro-metallurgical laboratory facility to see the processing of manganese ore into Manganese Sulfate. The visit ended with the submission of several samples to be analyzed at BPTM LIPI.

Date : 21 April 2021
Written by : NBRI
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