
International Conference on Battery for Renewable Energy…

This proceedings become a scientific output of International Conference on Battery for Renewable Energy and…

Studi Potensi Pasar Baterai & Kendaraan Listrik…

Komitmen dekarbonisasi global telah banyak mempengaruhi industri, salah satunya sektor transportasi. Sebagai salah satu penyumbang…

Journal of Batteries for Renewable Energy and…

Dear our valuable reader! Welcome to the first ever issue of Journal of Batteries for…

International Conference on Battery for Renewable Energy…

This proceedings become a scientific output of International Conference on Battery for Renewable Energy and…

International Conference on Advanced Material and Technology…

This proceedings become a scientific output of International Conference on Advanced Material and Technology (ICAMT)…

Sejarah, Perkembangan dan Aplikasi Neutron

Buku ini membahas secara sederhana dan singkat mengenai sejarah, perkembangan, hingga aplikasi neutron untuk pengembangan…